
There Are Multiple Ways to Partner With Us

We are always open to having churches, companies, organizations, and philanthropists join us in our mission to serve orphans and underprivileged communities in Rwanda. Here are a few ways you can get involved.



A donation of any amount will go towards supporting our priority projects in Rwanda. Currently we’re focused on expanding our education program and implementing projects that will have a positive impact on small communities.


Request a Presentation

Ask us to come present our Foundation Mission, goals, and achievements to your church, company, or small group. We’ll wrap up by explaining ways for you to get involved and partner with us.


Sponsor a Family

A $3,000 donation will support 1 family for 2 years. We’ll share pictures, names, and ages of everyone in the family directly with you.


Sponsor a School

A $20,000 donation will support teachers and students, and provide 1 meal per day to each student.